BioXyTran, Inc. — Tissue RegBioXyTran, Inc. – When It Comes to Stroke, Every Second Counts!
Over 800,000 people this year will succumb to a stroke, so it’s essential to buy critical time to help victims survive and recover. Fortunately, BioXyTran Inc. (OTC: BIXT) has stepped up as a leading late stage biotechnology company dedicated to a first-in-class oxygen treatment platform for victims of brain stroke trauma.
The need for BioXyTran’s expertise is clear when you look at the indirect toll it is taking on our aging population. The indirect costs of stroke due to disability and special services are $22 billion+ annually, but unfortunately the standard of care in stroke has remained relatively unchanged for the past 10 years. Since no treatment exists for first responders to get oxygen to the affected parts of the brain, the emphasis has been on awareness and quickly routing patients to stroke treatment centers. More help is needed, as this video delves into why.
BioXyTran, Inc.’s management team has a successful track record in the biotech and pharmaceutical arena, with decades of collective experience. For more information, visit https://www.Bioxytraninc.com or contact Michael Sheikh at 509-991-0245.