Client Spotlight – Amazonia Impact Ventures
If the current rate of deforestation continues around 27% of the Amazon biome will be lost by 2030. Scientists have warned that if deforestation reaches 20%, big portions of the Amazon would convert to tropical savannah. The loss of forest will lead to staggering losses of biodiversity, carbon, and, in turn, human well-being.
Experts agree that the urgent priority is to halt deforestation and secondly to regenerate the forest in degraded areas. This can take up huge amounts of carbon, at rates up to 11 times faster than those of old-growth forests. Indigenous lands cover 35% of the Amazon and deforestation rates decline by two thirds when land is managed by the Amazon’s indigenous people. A study led by a partnership of nine environmental and indigenous organizations identified that Indigenous enterprises can contribute to the protection of more than 100 million hectares of Amazon rainforest. Indigenous associations and cooperatives can deliver cost-effective emissions reductions through community-led nature climate solutions.
To protect and regenerate the forest, indigenous enterprises need capital investment to:
-Efficiently harvest, transport and market their products sustainably.
-Address financing gaps faced to scale up to larger operations and invest in R&D to commercialise value-added products.
-Secure their land tenure, monitor their forests and biodiversity.
-Implement agroforestry farms and promote forest regeneration programmes.
Amazonia Impact Ventures mission is to make finance work for the ‘natural guardians of the forest’ (indigenous and forest people) with the aim to reduce deforestation, protect biodiversity and improve their wellbeing.
The London based company’s project pipeline originates from strategic partnerships with indigenous co-operatives in the Amazon. The main trading commodities of these indigenous communities are Cacao, Coffee, Brazil Nuts and will have more products like Macombo beans and Sacha Inchi in the second half of the year. AIV has been working closely with Rabo Foundation and Conservation International as partners in Peru. We are currently open for Impact Investors looking to get a return of 5-6% pa on debt finance and also looking to speak to Philanthropists and Foundations on the Grants and Technical assistance side. If you wish to find out more about the project please contact us : Pajani Singah or Aldo Soto – /
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