Introduction to The SoulPhysio Foundation
The SoulPhysio Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Orange County, CA. Their mission is to combat Mental and Neurological Illness in children by helping educate parents and faculty in schools about the importance of brain health. Mental Illness including ADHD, Autism, Depression, and Anxiety are on the rise at a rapid rate in the USA amongst children, leaving many parents stressed out and confused. In addition to the many stresses parents and teachers face in their own lives, they are being challenged with the struggles that children face. A child spends the majority of their childhood years with their parents and teachers at school. These close relationships have a significant impact on the development of a child’s brain.
The Founder and Executive Director of the SoulPhysio Foundation, Aneesh Chaudhry, has dealt with significant Mental Illness and Addiction issues for a good portion of his life. Between the ages of 10-25 years old, he was diagnosed with conditions including Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, OCD, and more. He abused substances for a number of years to alleviate his negative feelings, which landed him in various rehabilitation programs, sober living homes, as well as being hospitalized on more than one occasion for feeling suicidal. The turning point in his life came in 2013 when he got his brain scanned at the Amen Clinics in New York City. This experience gave him meaning and purpose to work towards on a daily basis.
Following the brain scans, Aneesh went on to pursue his Bachelor’s Degree in Neuropsychology, which he completed in 2016. He completed a variety of different wellness certifications on topics including exercise, nutrition, yoga, meditation, genetics, and more. Through many years of trial and error with his own health, Aneesh became a full-time entrepreneur and Health Coach in 2018, helping others to live a brain healthy lifestyle. His early on success led to him opening up his first clinic in April of 2019, focused on using cutting edge medical technology to build a healthy brain. He acquired an existing clinic at the end of 2019 focused on Eastern Medicine.
Aneesh has decided to dedicate his life to helping combat Mental and Neurological Illness in children by building a brain healthy lifestyle. He has created programs using the same principles that were able to heal his own brain and lead him to a point of success at an early age. He started The SoulPhysio Foundation to help to gather more data on how tools such as nutrition, exercise, yoga, and meditation can be used to help children build a healthier brain. Aneesh believes the key to helping children build a healthy lifestyle is to create practical techniques that can be implemented throughout the course of the day that encourage positive development of the brain.
The SoulPhysio Foundation is currently in the process of raising $1.5M by the end of 2020 to help kickstart their operations and begin making an impact in the community. Their initial project involves building a virtual wellness school focused on teaching parents and faculty of schools how to build brain healthy habits for themselves and the children they serve. In addition to the online wellness school, they are planning to run 2 clinical trials taking a deeper look at the underlying causes of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). The studies will evaluate how progressive treatments targeting underlying imbalances in children on the spectrum can be used to help to improve their quality of life. The Foundation will be filming a feature length documentary showcasing the family’s journey through the studies, and bringing in experts in the field of Autism for a series of interviews. Their long-term goal is to get the documentary on Netflix to help educate millions of people about the struggles that children with Autism face in their lives.